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Dehydrated dog food wanted

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Quantity Required: 5 Ton
Annual Purchase Volume: Bag/Bags
Shipping Terms: FOB
Last Updated: 2018-05-22
Expired Time: 2018-08-22

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Detailed Dehydrated dog food wanted Description

Hi    We are a buying agent and our Australian customer is now intending to source some materials/ingredients of a pet food supplement involving the use of genuine offal meats(organ meats and intestines ?liver /heart/ kidney / brain/ spline/ intestines etc.). The offal meats must be in a dried form(powder or granules) and must be NO more than 20% blood with the mix. The customer is also intending to add dried vegetables/fruits, and fish products into the finished product, however such three blends must be separated, in order that the three components be added at the desired riots.     Accordingly, our customer wants three separate types : Offal meats / Fruit and Vegetables / Fish.    The vegetables/fruits wanted in the blend are : sweet potatoes ( cooked prior to drying ) / carrot / peas / celery / apple / pear.  The fish blend needs to be derived from oily fish such as Mackerel but MUST NOT include bones or scales.    Customer’s intention is to blend these 3 separate dried mixes and then hydrate them, so it is a pre-requisite that the supplied dried product will have the ability to be easily diluted with cold water.    The dried offal meats pet food would be used within Australia, New Zealand, and European market.   Blending and testing of the dried produce needs to be conducted from a suggested sample supply of the produce in 5kg packages ( meat / vegetable /fish x 5kg each )  Thereafter once customer has completed his tests and is satisfied of the qualities within the produce he would order bulk.    Please advise if your products are with any certified standards.    We would appreciate of your earlier reply.    Thank you and best regards,  Gordon   J & M Home Ltd  Skype: gordonhaha  E-mail:  

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